Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday's Thankfulness

I'm thankful for memories. Tonight as I was working on another batch of cookies for an order we have tomorrow, I was thinking about Grandma. I have such vivid memories of me kneeling on her vinyl covered kitchen chair, leaning up over the counter in the kitchen while she cut out cookie after cookie after cookie at Christmas time. I never thought about it when I was a little girl, but there were only two people living in her home at that time, yet she was always making huge Tupperware containers full of cookies! Who in the world were all those cookies for?! (That was a rhetorical question! We know who they were for! They were for absolutely anyone who walked throught that door ... especially all the children that knew exactly where those cookies were kept!)

I am thankful for songs that pop into my head that are perfectly appropriate for whatever I'm thinking about or going through at any particular moment. And I love that when I burst into song (as off-key as it may be at times), sometimes my kids will join me with a load of enthusiasm! Usually they're wonderful, uplifting songs, but then some days are like yesterday when I couldn't stop singing, "Five green and speckled frogs sat on a speckled log, eating some most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!" Anyone know that song? I sang it almost non-stop yesterday until Stephen ran into the kitchen clutching his ears yelling, "Mommy, please stop singing that!!" Despite those odd ones thrown in there, I really am thankful for the songs that God puts into my heart that make me just burst into singing!

I'm thankful for my sister-in-law, Evelyn, who is here visiting from Salt Lake City right now. Whenever Evelyn comes for a visit, all the sisters and sisters-in-law try to get together for a breakfast with Mom Weinhardt. Tomorrow we're going to go to The Fireside Restaurant in Kitchener and I think that all of us are going to be able to make it this time. I love listening to the servers' questions when they are at our table, "Are you all related?" "Yes, sisters and sisters-in-law, and our mom." "Wow. How many of you are there?" "Well, four of us are sisters and the rest are our brothers' wives." "Wow. Oh. Wow. There are eleven kids?! Wow." At Henry and Jo's wedding we even just went by "Brother #6" and "I'm the wife of #6." It got too confusing to say names any more. Anyway, I digressed. I am thankful for Evelyn and for the rest of Fred's family because they love to get together as much as my family does, and I'm thankful that sometimes it's just the sisters that get to visit. It cuts way down on the crowd.


Elysha said...

You have a lovely blog!

Paula said...

I know and love the speckled frog song. We still sing it sometimes!

Anonymous said...

Regarding Gram's cookie baking: It was part of her "personality" to have cookies available at any given time. Such dedication to baking! I'll probably never get to that point in my life, since I tend to bake in spirts...when I feel like it...which isn't too often.
The speckled frog song is a new one to me. Thought by now, I'd have learned all the preschool, grade school songs. Enjoy your blogs. Have a good day.

LindaSue said...

Thanks for getting the frog song stuck in my head for today, Mar. I'll reciprocate some time....

Anonymous said...

I completely remember that song! One my sisters and I used to sing all the time was "I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee, won't my mommy be so proud of me.." etc. and baby bumble bee would invariably sting us, get smooshed, etc. :) Those songs were the best, growing up :D

heidiannie said...

It sounds like a fun baking session at your house. I tend to sing the songs ,talk to the bread, and dance to the music to keep up the enjoyment levels! Don't know the speckled frog song, though. You'll have to teach it to me!

Martha said...

Thanks a lot, Rob! Now I've got THAT song stuck in my head! Too much Raffi exposure for both of us, I think. :)

Heidiannie, I'd love to teach you the frog song some day if you will re-teach me "I see the moon, the moon sees me..." I can't remember the rest of the words so that's all I ever sing. I need completion on that song!

heidiannie said...

"God bless the moon and God bless me!"
Thant was easy! Any thing else I can answer in one sentence or less?