Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thankful Tuesday

1. I'm thankful for kids' CDs that have scripture put to music. We have been listening to Steve Green's Hide 'Em In Your Heart CD in the van lately and I just love listening to the boys belt out the words "A joyful heart is good medicine" or "Keep your tongue from evil, keep your tongue." But the one I love hearing them sing the most is "Children obey your parents in the Lord!" Stephen is so cute because he's getting to the age where he's catching on to the words that he's singing so he'll be blasting that song at the top of his lungs until he catches my eye in the mirror and then he just grins a sheepish grin at me ... but keeps on singing, just not as loudly.

2. I'm thankful for the Holy Spirit's conviction in other people's lives as well as mine. Linda, a dear friend of mine from ages past, called me out of the blue today! I think that the last time I saw her was at my wedding reception in Ohio almost ten years ago. She said that I have been on her mind so much in the past few weeks so she had been praying for me and finally tracked down my telephone number so that she could call to see how I was doing. What a wonderful, but brief, phone conversation we had today, all because she followed through on her conviction from the Holy Spirit.

3. I'm thankful that today was Kindergarten Observation Day at school. I was invited in to observe Stephen at school today for a half hour. This is in preparation for our first parent/teacher conference, or parent/teacher interview as it's called here. Stephen was a bit disappointed when I got there because he said, "You came just when we started our work! Now you'll only be able to watch me work and not play!" That's quite alright with me since I usually see him play and not work! It thrilled my heart to watch him work diligently on his task, and how he wanted to please his teacher by doing a good job. I also saw some perfectionistic tendancies showing, but I'm just going to pray that God will use those and direct him toward "thoroughness" instead of perfection! Stephen and I bonded a bit more today as I spent time with him in his classroom watching him. I could tell that he was thrilled that I was there, and I was just as thrilled to watch this little man interacting in a different environment. Call me a proud mama if you want, because that's what I was today!


Anonymous said...

How wonderful that your children are putting scripture into their hearts via music. My kids can all still sing those songs as well and it is a blessing. It's great that you are a proud mama. Praying for you and for your family. God bless! Love, Lilly

liz said...
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liz said...

I'm going to try again, this time with my fingers on the right keys...

Good for Stephen! It's a blesssing when school is fun!