Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday

1. I'm thankful today for my neighbor, Lisa. Lisa and I have a standing agreement that if one of us can't be at the bus stop for whatever reason, the other one will take our boys (she has two) home until we can get there. Fred and I had a meeting today to go over some of the business related issues that are still swarming around and I was supposed to be done at 3:00...PLENTY of time to meet the boys at 3:48! Well, thankfully, I was able to call Lisa in the middle of the meeting and ask her if she could please help me out today! We weren't able to pick up the boys until 5:20!! I am sooo thankful for Lisa today! In two weeks she's going to be thankful for me because she'll be in the same boat and I'll have her boys for several hours after school as well.

2. I've probably mentioned this in one form or another before, but I'm thankful for the internet and the immediate information that is available. Last night I had to scramble to find a recipe for butternut squash. BAM! There it was! Tonight Fred is sitting in his big, black chair referencing some legalities regarding our company's sale. BAM! The information is right there! During the day I want to see how my family is doing, or what they're doing. I get on the internet and BAM! They are right there! I love the internet for the positive reasons that it exists!

3. I am thankful that Fred's company has offered him his "old" computer from work when he leaves next week. His "old" computer is so fast that it's going to knock my socks off! Don't ask me what kind it is (because all I know is that it's black), or what the speed is or any other details. All I know is that I am thankful that they think that this "old" computer isn't really worth anything to them, so Fred may as well take it off their hands! WOWEE!!! I'm actually going to be able to get some productive work done on that computer for a change! Unless my hubby decides that he is going to keep it for himself.

1 comment:

liz said...

Oh, the computer comment goes on here--sorry, cathcing up after a few days of not reading!