Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dora the Explorer

For those of you familiar with the character, Dora, you'll be able to understand this post. Dora is a spunky little hispanic girl that goes on missions with her friend, Boots, a little boot-wearing monkey. Her job is to save her friends by using a map to reach the final destination, getting her friends to safety.

The boys have been playing "Dora" lately. One will put on their white tennis shoes and the Dr. Suess backpack, equipped with a Pennsylvania/New York map, and the other one puts on a pair of red rubber boots. I can hear them as they go around the house, stopping every once in awhile to check their map to find the Knock-Knock Door or Tico's Tree or the Tall Mountain. The most amusing part is that they do it all while speaking their version of spanish! They've got some of the voice inflections and even phrases correct, too! I heard Stephen saying to Timothy, "Donde esta the tree?" and then Timothy gives some answer in "spanish" and they both go running off to the basement to find the tree.

I love how they have learned to play together and to really use their imagination. It reminds me so much of our childhood and how (remember this, Mom?) we used to put a clothes basket on our heads and play "Grandma Schley" because she had a neat little roll of hair around the base of her head. I love how the boys are imitating things they see in their lives, but when Timothy asked me for a pink shirt so he could be Dora, I kind of drew the line. Besides, we don't have pink shirts in this house that would fit 3 and 4 year old boys!

Wouldn't it be fun to immerse yourself in imaginative play again? Forget the real world and just become someone or something else for a while? I'll confess. It IS fun! I got drafted into being the Knock-Knock Door yesterday and I had to listen to knock-knock jokes over and over and laugh as if I'd never heard them before in my life! When I heard one I particularly liked, I was allowed to open the door for my little Dora and Boots to pass through. We had a lot of fun playing Dora yesterday. I'm sure we'll be playing again today, too. And probably tomorrow. And probably Saturday. And probably Sunday ..... I love it!


Ohio_Momto3boys said...

That is SO funny; I can completely picture it!

Have they started imitating YOU yet?

The other night, Nolan grabbed my tote bag and a drink and said "I Mommy. Going in car to Buehlers..." YIKES

LindaSue said...

I can send you pink shirts to fit a 3 AND a 4 year old.... I love watching my kids interact with Dora on DVDs, yelling back answers, "climbing" with them up the biggest mountain. I'll have to find an old map to give them... never thought of that one!

Anonymous said...

That's so cute that they speak "Spanish" to eachother:) It reminds me when we were kids and my dad told us we were going to Puerto Rico. Julie and Rob talked back and forth in "Spanish" that the made up. On phrase that they really liked was "Cuchie calumpaca?" And the other would reply, "Galie, galie!"


Martha said...

That's funny, Jenny! And it's even funnier that you remember what they said! I wonder what it meant to them at the time.

Anonymous said...

I talked to my brother about it the other day. He couldn't believe that I remembered the "words." I told him that they said them so often that they are burned into my brain! To a older sister, that was REALLY annoying sometimes!

Oh, he said they didn't mean anything. I guess they just sounded good to them:)
