Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's Over

We've come to the end of a special time in our lives. It's officially over now. Fred and I can no longer keep secrets or talk about the boys by spelling whatever we want to say to each other. It's a sad time for us because we used it to our advantage many times. But now it's over.

Last night when we were getting the kids herded upstairs to brush teeth and head for bed, I spelled out to Fred, "Honey, he (Christopher) won't be able to s-l-e-e-p this early. His n-a-p was t-o-o l-o-n-g today."

This is when Stephen poked his head out of the bathroom and said, "You just told Daddy that Christopher can't sleep now because he took a long nap today!" ..... uh. yeah.

Then this morning, the boys slept in and we were in a bit of an unusual hurry to get breakfast done, teeth brushed, snowpants on, etc. I raised my voice slightly (Ha ha. All you moms know how much 'slightly' is when you have two kindergarten boys putzing along and the bus is due in less than five minutes!) and told Stephen he'd better get a move on and F-A-S-T! He stopped mid-run (or mid-dance) toward the laundry room to get his boots and said, "You just told me to go fast! I can read what you spell, Mommy!"

So, it's over. No more spelling around the kids unless it's in German, Fred said, which of course would be of no use to me as I don't know German except for a few words like fahrschule and ausfart. (Don't ask. Only Nancy knows how those two words came into my vocabulary!) I love to spell. I love the way letters all have a place in words even when they don't make any sense at all. I love to connect letters to make words whether real or not. I love to spell, but now spelling used for my advantage will have to shift. I can no longer hide words from Stephen. He's just too smart!

Maybe I will take up German. But by the time I learn all the necessary words, Stephen will have picked up on them, too, and I will lose that option, too. Oh well. At least we got a couple of years out of our opportunity to spell to each other.


heidiannie said...

My mother used to talk to Aunt Anna in Slovak about us- it was infuriating. Why not just use large vocabulary words and encourage your boys to enrich their language skills?
You and Fred could read the dictionary together and come up with a language within the English language. Instead of spelling fast- tell Stephen to expedite his morning ritual!

Anonymous said...

You can also spell the words backwards. That should buy you at least a few weeks.
We also tried pig-Latin which worked for a short period of time. Then the kids got wise and started using the sign language alphabet, which we didn't know. It kept them busy during church services when I wouldn't let them talk!
So much for keeping secrets from your kids. BTW candy was one of the first words the kids figured out when we spelled it.
I'm glad Stephen is learning so fast! Just think of the slow learners and the frustrations their parents must go through!

Unknown said...

For this reason (and many others) I'm glad we had to learn Indonesian. However, they're starting to catch up. They are just too fast. Hmmm, what language is next.

liz said...

Sooner than you think, Stephen is going to be talking and YOU won't understand....

Unknown said...

you could try learning sign language!! :)
Thanks for your comment on my blog... I'm happy to have found yours... I'll be back to visit :)
Loved your encouraging comment & the tips!!
God Bless- Britt