Monday, March 17, 2008


Today is "St. Paderick's Day" ... according to Stephen. He's been looking forward to today at school because all he knew was that on St. Paderick's Day, he got to wear his green sweatshirt (and his green underwear). After school he asked us if we did any St. Paderick's Day activities, like counting shamrocks or anything. I guess maybe I should have talked about this more to him before he left for school this morning. We did celebrate a little bit today, though. After Christopher's doctor appointment, we stopped at McDonald's for a shamrock shake!

Then Stephen asked me what we're supposed to wear on Great Friday. If we wear green on St. Paderick's Day, what do we wear on Great Friday? He's so cute. No matter how many times we correct him and tell him that it's really called GOOD Friday, he always goes back to calling it Great Friday. I like that better! We've been talking a lot about this coming weekend and the events that happened to Christ. He definitely understands more of the accounts of Easter than Timothy, but it's so humbling to listen to them both retell the facts to each other while they're playing.

Stephen also told me today that all our snow will be gone in three days. When I asked him why he would say that, he told me because in three days it will be spring and in the spring there is no snow. I warned him not to be too disappointed because I heard that there is supposed to be some more snow coming tonight and later on in the week.

A week of holidays! Whew! I'm exhausted already.


GramS said...

Funny, about the shamroock shake. We had to go to Barberton last PM and I told Dad that I wanted to stop at McDonalds for a shamrock shake, so we did. Once a year at McDonalds isn't too bad for that reason. However, when we got home and finished off our shakes, it just cooled off our bodies, so he was drinking hot coffee, and I wrapped myself in a blanket for the rest of the evening to warm up.

I like the idea of GREAT Friday.
It really is great, considering why we have it in the first place. As for how to celebrate Good Friday, Aunt Peg started a tradition at Grandma P's house years ago. She would always beg Mom to make rice. Finally, Mom just made it special on that day and we had rice on Good Friday for years after that. We always knew when we were going to eat rice.
Happy Holidays..........

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Is Stephen your biggest talker so far? He's silliness sounds just like Ozzie. Leprechauns played tricks on the children at preschool last week and he thought that was SO funny.

Unknown said...

Oohhh. Have a shamrok shake for me too! I love those! (I also miss a good peanut butter malt.) Don't send them, they'll melt too quickly.

Gramschley, I think everyday here must be Good Friday based on food choices ;-)