Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Heat

Wow. It's hot! Today when I saw 91F outside (Sorry. I still don't really know Celcius or want to know it either!) I got a little homesick for Phoenix. I was in the garage today trying to get the boys buckled into their carseats and it was HOT! There was no air moving. There was no hint of a cool breeze. Nothing! I know that to others it would seem to be unbearable, but to me ... I just had flashbacks of standing outside my apartment in Phoenix trying to get the key in the lock after work. Not that I would go in to get cool. I was trying to be very conscientious about my money and I would usually leave the air conditioning off until I couldn't stand it anymore and then I'd buckle and turn it on. So this week's weather has just taken me back "home" to the unmoving heat of Phoenix.

Thinking of Phoenix got me thinking about my life there and my life here and I remembered that this coming week is the 9th anniversary of Fred's proposal to me! Nine years. Wow. It seems like it's been so much longer than that, but at the same time, I can't believe how fast time has gone. My life is definitely different now in Kitchener than it was in Phoenix, but both have been times of blessing and growth in my life. I'm thankful that God has allowed me to experience life in both places so that He could continue to form me into the person that I am now. There's still a lot of room for growth, for sure, but He's so faithful in using all my experiences to make me who I am today.

The heat this week has been a wonderful reminder to me of my years in Phoenix and I'm enjoying it!

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