Friday, August 22, 2008

Henry and Joanna's Wedding

Well, it's been a month and a half now that Henry and Jo have been married, but I'm finally able to post a picture of this beautiful couple! (Thank you, Honey, for downloading the pictures for me since I don't know how to do it!) Their wedding was beautiful, even though it was a rainy day for the most part. We were honored to be able to celebrate with them on their special day!

(Sorry, I wanted to post their pictures first before the whole Weinhardt family minus five grandchildren, but I can't get it to post in the order I want!)


GramS said...

There's a lot more Weinhardts in this family picture than when you got married :) Jo has so many more people to learn names for.
Great family!.

liz said...

What great pictures! Weinhardt wedding pictures are always so nice looking! So many people...maybe that's why--they aren't as close up as the ones of small families.