Thursday, May 13, 2010

Toy Lending Library

Our local library branch has a wonderful toy lending library. We can check out a toy for a week at a time and have a lot of fun with it. At the end of the week, we count all the pieces, put them in the bag and take it back. The boys love it because they can get Rush Hour (our favorite!), Hi Ho Cherry-O, Pegs in the Park, Little People Pirate Ships, etc.
Here's the latest favorite that kept the boys busy for days! The barbeque!

Aren't they cute together?!

(And yes, Christopher is grilling a donut.)


Anonymous said...

What a unique idea. It's always nice to have something new and different to play with. I love libraries! Lilly

heidiannie said...

Cute, cute , cute!
I never thought of grilling donuts.
What a great idea!:)

a.peg said...

Is it a Lerch's Donut or Tim Horton's? (I used to take some toys to Grandma Pavkov's for the kids to play with. Took them years before they realized they were playing with their own toys).

liz said...

I love this picture! And now I want a grilled donut. Um, Kripy Kreme, please.

GramS said...

This is so cute! Like father, like son.