Friday, May 18, 2007


Stephen loves to make up words. These have come from a three-year-old's mind.

Impistible - too much water coming out of a carwash
He told us that he didn't like carwashes because they were too impistible.

Slopes - dandelions that have gone to seed and can be blown in the wind.
We went on a walk last night and he had to stop and either pick all the slopes, or put his piratescope over each and every one.

Piratescope - an attachment from the vacuum cleaner that can be used as a spyer, also known as a piratescope.

He also likes to go around the house making up sounds and jibberish. I asked him one day what he was saying and he replied, "I don't know. It's in German."

He cracked me up last night on our walk. He had grabbed my vacuum cleaner attachment and told me that he needed the spyer to spy things on our walk. He was wearing a railroad engineer hat, a jean jacket and his sweats were tucked into his rubber boots. Everyone we passed had great big grins on their faces because of how into his role he was. I wish I would have taken a picture, or a video of him skipping down the path, spying things and sticking them over the "slopes" (dandelions) that found. He was having a great time! Ahh, the carefree days of childhood!

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