Thursday, April 23, 2009

Salute to Working Moms!

Working moms who are reading this, I give you a LOT of credit for doing what you do! This week was my first week of "working" full time and also trying to be a wife and mother in the evenings. I'M EXHAUSTED!!! I just don't know how you women do it. I feel so out of touch with Fred, with the boys, with my life! I guess it's called LACK OF CONTROL again!!! I've really missed Stephen the most, I think. I feel like I'm not connecting with him nearly as much as I normally do. Stephen is a quality time person and I've not been able to give him that this week. Tonight on our way back from the restaurant, he and I were snuggling in the back seat of the car, playing word games, talking about different things that happened at school, etc. It was so nice to have about forty minutes of uninterrupted time with him tonight in the car. I miss my kids when I'm working!

Just a few quick side comments here: Nancy's been promoted! Hahaha. Well, actually, she's just going to be filling in for the junior high/high school English teacher tomorrow and Tuesday. She's a bit nervous because it's several hours total of conversational English and we have first hand knowledge in this house that there are trouble makers in the classes (not that Gaby is one of those trouble makers, but he sees what's happening in his class now). Pray for Nancy on Friday and Tuesday. She's got a tough assignment.

I'll be continuing on with the primary students until Jason gets back next week. I must say that I'm loving it! It feels so good to be back in a classroom again! I was worried that I would have too many language barriers and that I wouldn't be able to effectively teach, but God worked that all out. I have no problems and I'm finding myself even slipping into my rusty Spanish with my students, the teachers and now even my kids at home! Jason, feel free to stay in the States as long as you want. I'm not sure I'll be too anxious to give your kids back to you! :)

Here's a funny for you. Stephen and Timothy are attending the afternoon preschool/kindergarten class. Yesterday when I dropped Stephen off, I whispered to him, "If you need to go to the bathroom, ask for 'el bano' (sorry, I can't put the symbol over the n to make it say en-ya)." He asked me to write it down for him so that he wouldn't forget. I asked the teacher (who only knows Spanish) for a piece of paper and a pencil, and then she watched me write 'el ban-yo'. She giggled and then quickly straightened up and said, "Si! El bano." I left the class and a few minutes later I peeked in just in time to see Stephen pull his little paper out of his pocket, read it and then say, 'el ban-yo' to his teacher! It was so cute! Even though she totally knew what he wanted, she let him go through the whole process of asking. She's a sweet woman!

Well, I have a lot to do before tomorrow so I need to get to bed. The mosquitoes are out in full force tonight so I need to put some cream on the boys' legs so they don't scratch them to pieces, plug in my Raid repellent (nifty little devices that are like the plug-in air fresheners, but are scented mosquito repellents), try to dry my clothes under the fan in the kitchen, get the boys' backpacks ready for tomorrow, etc. Sigh. I'm not used to being a working mom!! Thank the Lord we enjoyed a nice dinner out at the restaurant so that I didn't have to cook OR clean up tonight! Thanks for having a birthday here, Fred! It was a gift for me, too!


Karen said...

The students...and teachers seem to be VERY HAPPY with your work! Thanks for coming!
I must be working harder than you, though, cause I don't even HAVE time to blog!!! :)

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

I LOVE reading these updates (and Karen, you SHOULD blog... you'd have lots of readers!). I feel like I'm right there with you, without mosquitos, thanks.
Enjoy your time; will you get some rest this weekend??

GramS said...

You sound like you're happily busy.
Thanks for the daily reports. Keep them up.
Yes, I believe Karen's comment about no time to blog...also a very busy Mom this month.

Jason said...

I think I'm being showed up...

Martha, I'm glad to read that you're loving it. It will allow me to enjoy more my time instead of worry. I can't wait to hear about Nancy's experiences. I'm also jealous about the churrascaria trip. I've been there 6 months and haven't gone yet!


ps> I miss having a Target to buy all my household needs in. ;)

Jason said...

*shown up

Martha said...

Hehehe. J, it looks like you've been gone from English a long time. :) NOT TO WORRY, though!! Your students ask about you almost every day! They love you and miss you (and laugh at my pathetic attempts to communicate with them). You'd better come back! I think they need their teacher that can actually understand what they're saying! I've gotten pretty good at the blank stare, but they could use some understanding that you can give them! :)

Enjoy Target for me, too! I could use one just about now as well. If I were there, I'd be browsing the thick toilet paper aisle!