Thursday, August 14, 2008

Snacks at the Park

The boys and I went to the park this afternoon because it was such beautiful weather out there! They packed along all their diggers and trucks and scoopers ... and their imaginations! Even though we have enough dirt in our backyard for them to play in, they LOVE to dig at the park.

Here's what we had for our "snack" today at the park, compliments of Stephen and Timothy:

Strawberry Mushroom Soup
Sandal Cream Lemonade (But Mommy, it's sandal CREAM! You'll love it!)
Mushroom Marshmallow Ice Cream
Lemonade Coffee
Peach and Chicken Soup
Chocolate and Mushroom Muffins

Anyone want to join us for tomorrow's treats? I can't guarantee the quality of them, but I'm sure they'll be something you've never had before!


LindaSue said...

I get the feeling mushrooms are a favorite....

Anonymous said...

ever think of publishing a "kids snack" book? I'm sure your guys could give you lots of ideas!

Brownie said...

I saw your comment on lindasue's blog that you were praying for my Mom and our family.

thank you....

GramS said...

Who knows if your boys would become world famous some day with their culinary arts!?! What an imaginagion they have.

Unknown said...

Were those fried or grilled?