Monday, August 23, 2010

The Little Businessmen

Can you believe that they actually made $5.00 that hot and sultry day? Of course, their first sale wasn't until 6:30 PM, but hey! They made a sale! (Thank you dear neighbor who happened to see them and stopped by specifically for those two zucchini!)
Now Timothy wants to sell rocks. Either that, or his homemade board games. Maybe I'll let him do that so that they can leave this house and I won't be the bad guy for making them disappear. Anyone need some rocks or a board game or two or three or ....


GramS said...

If I was closer, I'd have gotten their zucchinis first!
What's with rocks? You guys sold them, too. :)

liz said...

Good job, boys! I'd probably buy some of each if I were closer!

heidiannie said...

Me too, I'm a sucker for hot faced little boy entrepreneur salesmen.
I love Mickey on the table- I'd buy the rocks too, especially if they had a pointed end and a round bottom and were flat. Santa Rocks, my kids used to call them. I painted them red and white and added facial details and sold them for $1- I made several hundreds of dollars on Santa rocks through the years.

Unknown said...

Ahhh. Selling rocks!

Karen said...

I want the zucchinis! They look better than ANY zucchinis I have ever seen here!

a.peg said...

I'll buy some zucchinis if you deliver them. We didn't plant any and we didn't plant any butternut or "sweet dumpling" acorn squash and we have loads of them. (but no zucchinis). Or we can trade squashes and/or tomatoes.
As for rocks, our grands collect them and store them under our steps...maybe I should sell them back to the kids. (I really should have some kind of income)