Monday, March 2, 2009

Winter's Influence

You know you've had too much winter influence when things start to creep into your mealtimes. We are a house of boys. Each one of them has played airplane with their food or open-the-garage-door-and-drive-the-truck-inside types of deals when eating those dreaded peas on their plates. They are quite transportation-oriented, if you stop to notice what they're doing.

Tonight at supper, Fred was trying to encourage Christopher to finish his mashed potatoes instead of sitting there making Stephen laugh. Fred gave one last threat to Christopher that if he didn't finish his potatoes, then Fred was going to eat them, gravy and all! Christopher does love his mashed potatoes, so that spurred him on. He grabbed his spoon and started very carefully shaving a bit of the pile off when he looked up at us and said, "Watch out! Snow plow's coming through!" And then he finished the rest of the mashed potatoes with the help of his snow plow.

I do believe I've had enough of winter already, although I fear I may have to endure it awhile longer. We've never had a snow plow at our table before, but I have to say that it did a pretty good job on those mashed potatoes!


heidiannie said...

well, at least this snowplow took care of the potato problem! Most of the ones on the roads just knock down our mailboxes.
I like Christopher's version!

liz said...

I love his creativity! Move that gravy-covered snow!

GramS said...

What a good way to clear that plate of mashed potatoes!
We've had lakes full of gravy, and had to eat from inside to outside to keep it from spilling, but this snowplow story is one Gramp P would have loved!

Anonymous said...

Hey, what ever it takes to get the food in!
I'm like you, I've had enough of this snow and cold weather. Hopefully it will end soon.