Sunday, November 2, 2008

Month of Thanksgiving

For us Americans, November is the month of Thanksgiving. I'm a bit out of sorts here in Canada because our Thanksgiving is already over when in reality, it hasn't even begun! (Sorry, Canadian readers.) My cousin Allyson, Aunt Heidi and sister Liz are all posting things they are thankful for in the month of November. I am joining them, and I encourage you to also share your thanksgivings this month and all through the year.

1. I'm thankful that prayer is not limited. My brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world can be praying for the same thing and God is delighted to hear us! Because of our tumultuous week, we have been reassured by the Body of Christ all over that we are being lifted up to the Father through prayer. I am soooo thankful for that!

2. I'm thankful for the nap I had this afternoon. I don't often have the pleasure of being able to nap, but with a crippling migraine this morning (compounded by the fact that I was teaching the 3rd and 4th graders in Sunday School today), I knew I couldn't function without one today. After some Extra-Strength Tylenol (for which I am also thankful!) and a two hour nap this afternoon, my migraine is gone and I am back to normal!

3. I'm thankful for honesty between friends. A friend shared a struggle with me this morning at church that left us both in tears (good tears), but the honesty that was shared opened our eyes to the need of encouragement in so many people. I appreciate that my friend can share her struggles with me and vice versa. I think everyone needs at least one of those people in their lives!

Thus starts my month of thankfulness!


heidiannie said...

Honesty on any level is so rare! You are indeed fortunate to have such a friend within your fellowship!

liz said...

Naps.....I always love naps.

And honesty, too. It seems like such a hard place to get to sometimes, but so worth it once there.