Monday, January 14, 2008

Profound Discovery

Last night the Tiny Tots were in front of the congregation singing their Tiny Tot songs for us. I walked back into the sanctuary after taking Christopher to the babyroom and the kids were already standing up in their places ready to start singing. Stephen, however, was off to the side by himself, obviously scanning the crowd for us. When I walked in the back doors, his whole body showed that he had seen me at last and the waving and jumping and smiling and more waving and more jumping and more smiling began. Throughout the rest of the evening, Stephen would stop every once in awhile to make eye contact with me and wave again. At the end, the children were dismissed to go sit with their parents and Stephen ran to me while Timothy ran to Daddy. On the way home, Stephen shared a four-year-old's profound discovery with us: "Mommy, did you know that you know how to find your parents by their faces? If you didn't have a face, I wouldn't know where to find you. All I had to do was look for your face and then I knew where you were!"

Once again, my little child hit me with a bit of Biblical truth! All I have to do to find my Father is look for His face! Then I'll know where He is! This morning I looked up "face of God" in my concordance. Many verses, especially in the Psalms, talk about seeking God's countenance or face or being. The word "face" seems to mean all of God, not just a physical face, but an entire entity, a presence. King Jeroboam asked a prophet to entreat the face of God for his healing. The psalmist speaks often of God's face shining on us. Psalm 24 says that those who seek God's face are the ones who have clean hands, a pure heart, are not given up to vanity, etc. They are the ones who will ascend to God' holy hill and will receive the blessings of the Lord!

Did you know that you could find your Parent by His face? He has one, and if you look for it, you'll know exactly where He is! He's already standing there waiting for you to see Him, and He's ready to wave to you, too! With a big smile on His face!


Ohio_Momto3boys said...

WONDERFUL! You have a way with words. I'm going to do a study on the word "face" now!

GramS said...

Wow! Looks like Stephen is a very deep thinker. What a comment! What a wise Mom to read between the lines and connect us spiritually to our Father! Thanks for sharing that Profound Discovery with us.

liz said...

I love how gently God teaches us through kids. He could hammer us with lessons through our enemies or people we don't like (and sometimes He does), but the sweetest lessons are through the little ones our hearts are already invested in.

LindaSue said...

I cannot begin to tell you what all God has taught me thru my kids, especially in relationship to His love for me, His child! I think being a parent adds a dimension to Christianity that cannot be explained any other way.

Anonymous said...

Watch a little baby study the face of his mother/dad. It's awesome. Like they are obviously memorizing each wrinkle, smile, frown, etc. And to think God wants us to do that with Him as our Father! Isn't it great!