Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Timothy's Prayer

Here is Timothy's breakfast prayer this morning:

Thank you, God, for the flowers and clouds and elephants. Amen.

I love children's prayers!


Karen said...

Personally, I like the short blogs better! I'm glad to see your back to typing!

liz said...

I remember one time Taylor thanked God for Elvis. Joe and I looked at each other over his head--we couldn't believe our ears.

Later we remembered he had seen a Muppets video that was an Elvis tribute or something. It was, however, a surprising prayer!

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

As they get older, it seems the questions get more complex (Why does Jesus have to grow up to die? Why is God watching? Do you want to go to heaven with me when I die?)... and yet their prayers are those of the innocent. We get "Thank you God for Thomas, Percy, Emily, Terence the Tractor..."